Corporate Home Search, School Search, Tenancy Management and more…


Establishing the right school for your children is of paramount importance to the happiness of any family.

State schools

The regulations differ from area to area depending upon the Education Authority’s approach. Is the catchment area important? Is having a sibling already in the school a factor? How does the access to school places differ from junior schools (years 1 to 6) to senior schools (years 7 to 13)? Can appeals be lodged and on what basis? We will advise, research and tie up school place availability with house availability as often the two go hand in hand.

Private schools

The catchment area is no longer a problem but costs can be. We will advise on this and any practical considerations such as commuting, travel, bus services etc. It should be noted that places are not always guaranteed just because parents can afford to pay. The right private school is critical for the child. Entrance assessments are commonplace. We will consult with you and advise.

Children Reading